Creative Attorney

The law is unclear. It is not all black and white.

There is a lot of grey in the interpretation of the law. Lawyers must understand their clients goals and create a strategy for how to achieve them in the law. Lawyers are called upon to make arguments on behalf of their clients positions. Presenting an issue in a novel way and telling a story helps position the case and make your points memorable. A creative analogy may be the ticket to negotiating a resolution. Applying the precedent to a new technology can require creativity as the law is usually slow to keep pace with science. The more creative the lawyer is applying all the tools in their toolkit and the more confident the lawyer is in being creative the better the lawyer. Just like in medicine, the law is not an exact science. Excellent lawyers are often thinking outside the box. They draw on experience, and they know the law. Lawyers can encourage their brain to be creative through their hobbies and their environment. When I take my children to art class on Saturday mornings and make wire dog sculptures, I’m feeding my creativity. When our firm creates a culture that encourages people to be diverse not just in their backgrounds but also in their interests and ideas, that fosters creativity. Hire a creative lawyer that knows how to illuminate the path and you will be more likely to arrive at your destination.

Contact our creative team of Omaha attorneys, Sioux City attorneys, and Sioux Falls attorneys today!


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