Goosmann Law Firm attorney William Hale argued in front of the Nebraska Supreme Court on April 23rd, 2019. This case involved a claim of adverse possession in and to a certain strip of land. At trial, Goosmann Law Firm was successful in obtaining a favorable verdict holding the requirements for adverse possession were not established by the party claiming a right of ownership to the disputed area of land. The trial court determined that the adverse neighbor's purported use and improvements were not sufficiently notorious and ruled in Goosmann Law Firm and its client.

Goosmann Attorney William Hale presented an oral argument to the Nebraska Supreme Court to oppose the neighbor's submission the trial court erred in 1) finding insufficient notorious use of the area in question for adverse possession; and 2) finding insufficient notorious use for boundary line by acquiescence, or whether the trial court's verdict should be upheld and affirmed. The oral argument went well and the Nebraska Supreme Court will likely issue an order in the next four (4) months.


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