Tags: Divorce

Sioux_City_AttorneyMost people undergoing divorce, seeking legal separation, or requesting modifications of child custody, visitation, and support orders want the legal process to be completed within a few months. Unfortunately, this is often unachievable. However, if you live in Iowa’s Seventh Judicial District, your family law case could be resolved in a shorter amount of time thanks to a new pilot program.

This pilot program institutes “a new, informal family law trial procedure.” If both parties agree, they can have their case heard in an informal trial instead of a traditional one.

Differences between Traditional and Informal Trials

  1. In an informal trial, the judge asks questions directly of you and the other party. You can speak freely to the judge without having to worry about formal rules.
  2. Lawyers cannot cross-examine you or other witnesses like they can in traditional trials. Instead, they are only allowed to state the case issues, respond to the judge, or make short closing arguments.
  3. You can submit any document/testimony to the judge for review, and these cannot be objected to by the opposing party.
  4. An informal trial may shorten the length of the family law case. The Iowa Courts indicated that a traditional trial will usually take between 6-12 months to reach disposition, while an informal trial will usually take between 3-6 months.

If you live in Iowa’s Seventh Judicial District and are interested in learning more about informal trials, contact a Goosmann family law attorney today and feel free to review this online brochure prepared by the Seventh Judicial District.


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