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Jeana and Dave1_website

May 16, 2014. Jeana Goosmann, owner of the Goosmann Law Firm, PLC, announces that Dave Crary, formerly of the Crary Huff Law Firm, applied to reinstate his law license today in order to join the Goosmann Law Firm as an attorney. Dave is the last descendant of the Crary attorneys going all the way back to Sam Crary who started practicing law in Iowa in the early 1900s, followed by his father Ralph Crary, later a District Court Judge, Bob Crary, and older brother Bruce Crary. Dave graduated law school in 1955 from the University of South Dakota. He practiced law in Holstein, Iowa from 1955-1965 and then at his family law firm, currently known as Crary Huff law firm, in Sioux City from 1965-2005. He has spent his career as a trial attorney and is looking forward to joining the team of excellent lawyers at the Goosmann Law Firm and getting back into the courtroom. Jeana states “Crary brings tenacity and significant experience to the firm. We are excited to have Dave and his family heritage be a part of the Goosmann Law Firm.” Dave says “I am looking forward to the opportunity to reinstate my law license to join forces with such a reputable, innovative, and progressive law firm.” Once Dave joins the law firm, Goosmann Law will have more than 100 years of legal experience and a rich history to fill the historic downtown Sioux City law firm.

Goosmann Law is a general practice firm based in Sioux City, Iowa. The firm has attorneys that are licensed to practice in the Iowa, Nebraska, California and South Dakota.

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