Attorney Jeana Goosmann has recently been appointed to the American Bar Association (ABA) Business Law Section Banking Law Committee. As a committee member, Goosmann will review laws related to banking, financial services, and activities conducted through banks and other regulated intermediary financial institutions.

The Banking Law Committee holds several meetings throughout the year and sponsors/co-sponsors programs related to areas of interest to practitioners; including the latest advancements of banking and financial services law practice.

In September 2012, Goosmann was featured in The American Lawyer as a Top Rated Banking and Finance Attorney. Goosmann acts as a general counsel to company presidents and CEO's, as well as company professionals and banks to help with their banking law, finance, commercial law, litigation, and debtor and creditor needs. She is also a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute and served as Vice Chair of the Iowa Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section Council. Goosmann is licensed to practice in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota.

Goosmann Law Firm provides various legal services to banks and other credit providers. To learn more about their banking law services, click here or call 712-226-4000.

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