Attys at RetreatSeptember 18, 2013. The culture of the office is very important to me. The impact of my decisions on firm culture is a factor in my decision making process. I host an annual law firm retreat for the attorneys of the firm in order to cultivate the culture and relationships. In order to strengthen the team of highly competitive achievers banded together as the GLF team I seek to build the base of positive experiences among the attorneys. In the past we have gone to Lake Okoboji, Iowa boating, road tripped to Mt. Rushmore, and flew to Wriggley Field to watch the Cubs play the Patriots. We take our spouses and live it up. The retreat is a benefit that feeds directly into the best benefit the attorneys have at Goosmann Law, we have each other’s backs and we rally behind each other in order to obtain the best possible results for our clients. This year, we went all out and combined our legal education with our retreat when we attended the American Bar Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California with our spouses. As active members in the ABA we were able to attend our section meetings live and engage with our colleagues from around the world and also create some amazing memories together. Retreats are an expense, but having a winning team culture is something that is hard to buy. They don’t sell culture at Staples. You must cultivate culture.

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