The Deal Maker

My Favorite Part of Being a Fertility Lawyer

Written by Goosmann Law Team | Sep 10, 2018 8:36:52 PM

Growing up, I was a focused kid. School was top priority, because it could get me to a good college, which could in turn get me a good job. I was so focused on what I wanted my career to be, I didn’t know if I would be a good mom.

Flash forward to mid-twenties, I gave this parenting thing a shot. My son was born early, after a bout of potentially dangerous (and surreal) preeclampsia. Luckily, although my recovery was a bit slow, my son was healthy as an ox. The second I saw him my world changed. I would do anything for him, and I never loved anyone or anything the way I loved him. After two more pregnancies with preeclampsia later, I knew I was supposed to have one more child. At that point, I was essentially guaranteed to have preeclampsia again. This disease is nothing to sneeze at. There are risks to mother and child; risks of seizure and premature birth. When I told my mom I was pregnant again, she cried, and they weren’t tears of joy but tears of fear. And yet, to me it was worth the risk. I never had that “traditional” pregnancy my friends had. Mine became high risk, and I became used to additional pokes and prods and had to be hyper-vigilant about signs of high blood pressure. Even a headache, something I have suffered from childhood, was monitored carefully.

I was blessed to have an amazing doctor and supportive family and workspace. I was blessed that I did not require fertility treatments. But I don’t take my experience for granted. When I help clients who move mountains to have a child, who spend money, shed tears of disappointment, and take on risks to add to their family, it is an absolute joy to me to be part of the journey with them.

Since becoming a mother, I tend to shed a tear at a sappy commercial. But I am not ashamed to tell you that my favorite part about being a fertility lawyer happens a few days after my clients’ brand new, already-treasured baby is born. I ask my clients if they would share a picture with me, and when they do, tears of joy spring to my eyes. I am overjoyed for my clients who have gone through needles and treatments and high costs to experience that sleep-deprived, diaper-filled, rapturous wonder that is parenthood. And isn’t that funny, all these years later, motherhood has inspired my rewarding career.

For more information about fertility law, contact our Sioux City law office, Sioux Falls law office, or Omaha law office today!