Workplace rules. Workplace policies. Most businesses have them; the majority of us follow them. They are necessary. Think about it, if they didn't exist we'd be in a constant state of chaos. One of the many responsibilities employers face is creating workplace rules and policies. Handbook policies are an organizations friend - they help protect against lawsuits and make your business a safe, pleasant and ethical environment. Rules and policies are designed to ensure certain guidelines are followed and employees are protected. Depending on the nature of your business, you can use examples set by other companies or create your own protocols for employees to follow.
While safety rules of all kinds are important, some are more important as an ongoing concern than others depending upon the nature of your business and the workplace hazards employees will be facing. The ten commandments for Entrepreneurs - a set of Golden Safety Rules for workplace safety - may be best summarized as follows:
1. Always be responsible for the safety of yourself and others.
2. Always remember all accidents are preventable.
3. Always follow company rules, regulations and procedures.
4. Always assess the risks - stop and think.
5. Always be proactive about safety.
6. Always deter from situations you’re not trained to handle.
7. Always manage the processes involved, especially lifting.
8. Always Be prepared.
9. Always practice good housekeeping.
10. Always take the safest path, never take shortcuts.
There are no short cuts to help avoid and minimize employee accidents and injuries in the workplace. Creating a culture of safety is key to succeeding in that regard.
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