Not only have penalties increased nationwide, they affect state rules as well. States that have their own occupational safety and health standards and regulations have also raise their maximum penalty amounts for violations by the same amount. In future years, the maximum penalty amounts will be increased every year to adjust for the rate of inflation.
New 2018 Maximum Penalties
Violation Type |
2016 Maximum Penalty |
2018 Maximum Penalty |
Other than Serious Violations |
$12,600 |
$12,934 |
Serious Violation |
$12,600 |
$12,934 |
Willful or Repeat Violation |
$126,000 |
$129,336 |
What This Means for Businesses
Businesses in the OSHA-regulated industries should keep tabs on these continuing increases in the maximum penalties. Fines hit hard, and many businesses become vulnerable as they increase. The largest companies may have the most to lose, as OSHA inspects companies with multiple facilities and/or multiple worksites, all on a continuous basis. Some predict that OSHA’s current trend of increasing fines may continue, bringing a single "willful" or "repeat" violation as high as $150,000!!!
Here are some ideas for how to prepare yourself for these fine increases:
For questions regarding OSHA standards and violations, contact one of our Sioux Falls, Sioux City, or Omaha attorneys today.