Federal and state laws prohibit companies from discriminating against a job candidate due to gender. Yet some companies hesitate to hire women with kids. I’m here to argue that motherhood (and fatherhood, for that matter) should be considered a plus if a candidate mentions she has kids (but a company may not ask whether a candidate has kids!). Here’s why moms are the dynamos of the workforce:
1. Moms juggle. Moms can handle multiple projects at once. If you have to keep tabs on where your 2-year-old left his favorite "lovie" while also recalling at a moment’s notice what groceries are needed at any given time on the off-chance you will have enough time to stop by the grocery store, you can handle payroll and the monthly A/R report at work where no one is throwing a tantrum until you help find their new favorite marble. Unless you’re a teacher. Then you are really a superhero clothed as a mortal.
2. Moms prioritize. A parent knows that there are only so many hours in a day, and you need to know when one task trumps others. At home she knows that deep spring cleaning can take second after feeding a child at 5:30 when the child is minutes away from turning into a "hangry monster" unless his dinosaur plate magically appears full of food in front of him. This skill set is important at work when you have multiple deadlines bearing down at you and you need to decide how to get done what is needed.
3. Moms are loyal. A mom knows what it takes financially to keep her house running and her family fed, clothed and sheltered. So if an employer works with her the times she has to jet at 4:45 to pick up her kids, she will give it her all every moment she’s there. She’ll come in early or she’ll work from home, but no matter what, she’ll get it done (refer to No. 5).
4. Moms know how to listen. Mothers are pros at deciphering when a cry means boredom or a trip to the hospital. So when a customer calls to complain, a mother will likely handle the matter courteously and determine what action items should follow.
5. Finally, moms get things done. With only 24 hours in a day and knowing that getting work done means time for family, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a mom who procrastinates much. A mom will make it a priority to become efficient at her tasks at work.
Full disclosure: The author is a mom.
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