Let’s face it. Millennials get a bad rap in the workplace. They have a reputation for laziness, needing praise, prioritizing personal life over work, and poor attention span. However, there is one thing that will help o
ther generations lessen the difference when working with millennials.
And that one thing is…They are a lot like you were when you first entered the workforce. Earth-shattering, I know. Millennials have a bad rap, but they can be amazing at what they do (as our Firm has been lucky to know). They have massive amounts of energy, want to do contribute in a powerful way, and often have an entrepreneurial streak. Many also have a social conscience, as they find their place in a wider world.
Sure, there are differences between baby boomers and millennials. These generations grew up out of completely different circumstances. Technology has evolved at lighting speed, and connectivity is cheap and fast. But some circumstances are strikingly similar. Global crises defined their childhoods in many ways. Millennials grew up post-9/11, while boomers grew up post Pearl Harbor. Both generations rebelled against their parents/society. While millennials went goth (or punk or emo), baby boomers created the 70s.
Just like you were when you were a new hire, millennials could use some guidance and direction, but they also want to be connected as part of a team. They just don’t know all the rules yet. Just as you hoped your input would be recognized and you would excel in the workplace when you were a newbie, millennials crave that same energy. So when you supervise a millennial, look past that bad rap and focus on how to harness the energy they bring to the conference table.
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