Trust Law Counsel

The Top 4 Most Interesting Items Left Behind in Famous Wills

Written by Goosmann Law Team | Jun 29, 2015 4:00:00 PM


These are just a few of the most interesting items left behind in famous wills. Enjoy. 

Jack Benny – An actor and comedian of the earlier 20th century - Jack directed that a rose be delivered to his wife for the rest of her life.  His wife passed away almost 9 years later, which, to measure time in a different way, is more than 3000 roses.

Napoleon Bonaparte – Had his hair preserved and fashioned into small bracelets for friends and family.

Mark Gruenwald –  What: His ashes.  To Whom: Anyone who purchased the first printing of the Squadron Supreme trade paperback.  Gruenwald, a comic book writer and more, had his ashes mixed in with the ink for the compilation of the 12 issue run of Squadron Supreme.

Juan Potoachi – Provided 200,000 pesos to a theatre on the condition they also took his skull for use in Hamlet.  Packaged deal.  Take it or leave it.

If you have any questions or concerns call Goosmann Trust Law Counsel today at (712) 226-4000.

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