Iowa law has what is called a Post Secondary Education Subsidy (Iowa Code Section 598.21F). This provision of law may require a divorced parent to pay a portion of a child or children’s college education expenses. However, the child must meet certain qualification criteria and contribution limits are capped.
Under the identified Code Section, it specifically states that “The court may order a postsecondary education subsidy if good cause is shown.” What qualifies as good cause? That’s a good question. Generally speaking the child must be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two and show the ability to succeed in a postsecondary education setting. Additionally, the Court will evaluate the financial condition of the divorced parents as well as that of the child when making a determination as to the amount of the subsidy.
At most, a divorced parent can be required to pay up to thirty-three and one-third percent of the total cost of postsecondary education. With the total cost for education calculated based off of the cost of attending an in-state public institution for a course of instruction leading to an undergraduate degree, which shall include the reasonable costs for only necessary postsecondary education expenses.
Additionally, the child or children receiving support, in order to continue receiving support, must maintain a cumulative grade point average in the median range or above during that first calendar year.
For additional information of the Post Secondary Education Subsidy, including how to request this subsidy, please contact the Goosmann Law Firm at or call 712-226-4000.
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