I just got a call this afternoon from one of my favorite clients from Iowa. She was panicking, crying, and generally freaking out about the Internal Revenue Service. A woman named “Cynthia Williams” with “badge number 11536” called my client’s cell phone and informed her that she owed delinquent taxes. “Cynthia Williams” then demanded an immediate payment of $5,800 or an arrest warrant would issue and my client would be taken into custody and tax liens filed against her home. Luckily, my client called me immediately to ask for my help.
This is a common scam perpetrated by very skilled professional scammers. They may spend the entire day making calls until they find that one person who has or had a tax issue and the game is on. The caller will tell you not to hang up, to immediately go to the bank and withdraw cash and await further instructions. Friends, the IRS does not work that way.
Whenever someone is in hot water with the IRS, that information is communicated in writing on official forms. And, we always have the right and the opportunity to contest whatever the IRS is saying is wrong with our taxes before liens are imposed, or prison time is at issue. The Constitution guarantees that right.
So, if you get one of those calls JUST.HANG.UP! If you have an Iphone or other cell phone with blocking capabilities, block the number. Then go about your day and be happy that you avoided this all too common and sometime successful scam.
And, after your heart stops pounding, call the Attorney General for your state and report the attempted scam. If you live in Iowa, go online HERE. If you live in South Dakota go online HERE. And, in Nebraska go online HERE.
Why? Because the Attorney General’s Office will issue a fraud alert and you may be the reason some other law-adibing person learns about the scam in time to not fall for it.
Now, go be a hero and report those scammers!
As a side note, the area code and number used to perpetrate today’s fraud was 213-289-3844. Block it if it calls you.