CEO Law Review

Why Write a Book and do a Major Business Leaders Conference?

Written by Jeana Goosmann | May 10, 2019 1:10:00 PM

October 2018, Goosmann Law Firm won the Law Firm 500 fastest growing law firm award for the second year in a row.  At the awards banquet, Erin Brockovich gave the keynote.  Her message of do what is on your life goal list now, why not now, why not you resonated with me. 

I’d written chapters of books for the American Bar Association, but never my own book.  Authoring my own book was on the life list.  After the banquet, I got to meet Erin and she’s every bit of energy you’d expect.  The movie staring Julie Roberts and bearing her name had to have an influence on why I wanted to be a lawyer.  She is a bad ass that did the impossible and helped a ton of people in the process. 

When I returned home, a few weeks later, a publisher contacted me and said “Jeana, we think you should write a book.”  As a person that believes in the law of attraction, that meeting seemed meant to be.  So, at the end of 2018, I started the book.  My family quickly realized that to support me, mommy would be working Sundays.  Most everyone thought I was crazy and had too much on my plate.  I’m used to that sentiment by now.  Even people that have told me that before and have seen me tackle still doubt.  In January I bought myself a sign for my office that reads “believe in yourself and the rest will follow.”  Not sure they are following yet, but I’m believing. 

There is power in having a peer group.  I’m a member of Vistage and a part of a CEO’s board.  I can take my tricky issues to the board and they give me unbiased advice.  It’s empowering.  It’s great to be surrounded by peers that know what it means to lead the business.  Also, I follow my own advice and seek advice when I need it.  Often I’m counseling my client on the tough decision and I know what it’s like because I too have to make those calls.  There is nothing quite like having someone else recommend solutions for your tough issues.  It produces confidence. 

In January, my publisher started talking to me about marketing the book and really wanted to find a way for others to experience the book and its concepts.  Knowing I’m an activator and will move the concept forward fast if it makes sense to me, the publisher encouraged me to make a post on LinkedIn and announce the business leaders conference sometime far in the future.  On January 23 I announced the leadership conference for August 23 which is now known as BE WORTH IT. 

I knew even when I announced it that the conference would be a big endeavor.  Luckily, my cousin that is like my sister, Ellie is a world class event planner.  She was immediately onboard.  Goosmann Law is the presenting sponsor and the full details are at

A business leaders experience fits perfectly with the book.  When it came time to choose the location, Omaha’s CHI Center was an awesome choice.  If it’s good enough for Buffett, it’s good enough for me.

The book is written for business leaders and is an action packed system on how to lead a business.  Business leaders that enjoy being around other business leaders who have the same drive, vision, hustle, struggle and mindset are who I wrote the book for, who we planned the conference for and who I represent.  Obviously, when it came time to pick the keynote speaker, the best choice was Erin.  After all, she’s what started all of this, in more ways than one.  She remains an inspiration and a symbol of if you are determined you can battle through and win.  You need to be Ready.  You need to Execute.  You must Deliver.

For more, my new book, Worth It, will launch on August 23, 2019 on Amazon and I’ll be presenting live at the BE WORTH IT leadership conference.  For details and to register now before the tickets are sold out, go to   

To reach the author contact Jeana Goosmann, CEO & Managing Attorney, at or (712) 226-4000.