CEO Law Review

What Gives Me Power?

Written by Jeana Goosmann | Sep 17, 2018 8:07:01 PM


The power of the Goosmann Law Firm is all summed up in team. We’ve cultivated a strong leadership team.  At our Attorney Retreat we spent time together on our vision, strategy, training, getting vulnerable, growing deeper trust and having fun.  We respect each other (the bar is high to enter this elite club), we share our firm values and mission.  We are hungry and determined.  We leverage our strengths and value each other.  We know together we are stronger. 

Many years ago I set out to build a firm. To cultivate a strong team took investment. Most of all it took investing in me and constantly maturing as a leader.  What do I mean?  It takes guts to hire someone better with people than me, like Joel; someone better with focus, Christie; with loyalty, Kris; with analysis, Emilee; at writing, Anthony; culture, Josh; principles, Chris; determination, Cesar; storytelling, Meghann; someone better at just about everything!  Lawyers are often scared to show they aren’t the best.  I know I’m not the best at many things.  But I get my power from the strong team that supports me.  If you’re at Goosmann I want you on my team and you want to be on mine. That’s true power.