We’ve all seen individuals, businesses, athletes, and politicians alike go down in flames over scandals or poorly worded statements. Now, as technology has developed, social media gives personalities of all kinds even more opportunities to make fools of themselves in the public eye. Many assume that social media is an unofficial media format, as opposed to traditional statements made in press releases and interviews. This is simply not true. Statements made in social media will be seen by the public. The public views social media statements to be just as representative of those who make them as official statements. The same goes for the statements and acts of the employees, families, and generally anyone related to a social media profile’s owner. The media spotlight has in fact gotten larger, more persistent, and data permanent. Let the blogger beware.
Things to remember to avoid stupid tweets or posts (Don't be that person):
Be a Saint: (if you don’t have anything nice to say, then…)
To Tweet or not to Tweet? (If you even have to ask, odds are probably not)
Always Remember Who is Watching: (hint, its everybody)
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