And technology will only continue to advance and test your skills (and patience) to keep up. The younger generations of today’s workforce are pretty tech-savvy, but you cannot just leave it the Gen that learned from the early ages of playing learning games on the iPad. If you are not learning the technology advances yourself, you – and your business – could get left in the dust.
Despite the development and expansion of technology in business today, it does mean some key interpersonal skills become even more important to your management team and entire team of employees, as well as for how to different yourself and your company from the competition. I found this article about the six essential human skills by Betsy Ziegler, Chief Innovation Officer at Kellogg School of Management, very interesting.
I hope the article challenges you about how to identify these strengths in your recruits like it did for us at Goosmann Law:
Goosmann Law Firm is here to not only help you with your legal issues, but with your business strategy. Contact our Sioux City Law Firm, Sioux Falls Law Firm, or Omaha Law Firm today.