We are reminded about workplace safety when it is reported that an employee of JBS Food Canada died of injuries he received in a hot-water accident earlier in August. The accident occurred in the facility’s rendering area while the employee was working on a “pipe-related” issue, JBS stated at the time of the accident. What this accident apparently illustrates is the fact employers must make sure they have in place a safety program that encompasses pre-work safety review and steps to be followed before the actual work commences. This will ensure that potential hazards are identified in advance and the employees follow steps designed to isolate and properly valve off potentially hazardous pipes and lines in the workplace. Failure to do so can result in OSHA violations, fines and penalties.
For more information about safety programs and risk management, contact the Goosmann Law Firm at info@goosmannlaw.com or call 712-226-4000.
Copyright: garsya / 123RF Stock Photo