Goosmann Law Blog

Traits of a Great Trial Attorney

Written by Goosmann Law Team | Mar 10, 2014 11:18:38 AM

March 10, 2014. Last week, I was fortunate enough to attend a seminar presented by the Honorable Judge Mark W. Bennett, a long-time federal court judge in the Northern District of Iowa. Judge Bennett has found, through the years, that great trial attorneys have 8 things in common: (1) they are great story tellers; (2) they have grit (this one might be the most important); (3) they are great at cross-examining witnesses; (4) they are always ultra-prepared; (5) they are good listeners; (6) they are the most courteous attorneys; (7) they are reasonable people; and (8) they have unsurpassed judgment. While I suppose other distinguished judges might come up with a slightly different list, I’ll stick with Judge Bennett’s list. If you are interested, be on the lookout for a related article written by Judge Bennett which is being published very soon by the University of Texas Law Review.

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