March 7, 2014. How should a facility manage an OSHA inspection if at all? Are you helpless as an employer to control the inspection process to any degree? Does the employer have rights as well as employees? If approached, does an employee have to be interviewed by an OSHA inspector? Does the employer have to provide access to documents when asked for by the OSHA inspector? Can OSHA take pictures without the employer's permission? If asked, do employees have to sign written statements? These are just some of the questions and concerns when OSHA appears at your front door ready to conduct an inspection. Know your rights and be prepared in advance on how to respond when OSHA arrives at your facility.
To learn more about OSHA and risk management, join Goosmann Law Firm's free monthly webinars here, or contact the Goosmann Law Firm at or call 712-226-4000.