Goosmann Law Blog

Protect Yourself from a Cyber Attack

Written by Goosmann Law Team | Jan 23, 2015 4:34:58 PM

With the risk of a cyber attack becoming a worldwide topic of discussion, it is important that businesses have the proper security needed to protect themselves from major risk.

Edward Snowden was a huge warning of what damage a disgruntled employee can rain down on a former employer via hacking. But, not many private companies realize the impact a Snowden could have on them. The jury is still out on whether the Sony hack was by a former employee at la Snowden or was actually done by South Korea. But, a word to the wise is always a good idea. The American Bar Association recently published a helpful article that profiles the four types of employees who put your company at risk of cyber-breach and 10 preventative measures your company can take right now.

Click here to read the article on "Four Types of Employees Who Put Your Company At Risk of Cyber-Breach and 10 Preventative Measures Your Company Can Take Right Now."

For more information on cyber law and how to protect your business from a cyber attack, visit our blog at Goosmann Law Firm or contact us as or (712) 226-4000.