What is the Secret Sauce behind the Goosmann Law Firm?

Belief. We set big goals, create strategies to achieve them, provide the team with resources, enable people, and protect our culture. Certainly, we need to be nimble and adjust plans as life happens and circumstances change. Yet, I find over and over that when I don’t believe we can accomplish a goal or if I instill doubt instead of encouragement, that is when we come up short. I must believe our goals are attainable, and I must believe my team can reach their goals. After all, we’ve hired Rock Stars! When the leaders all believe and pass that mindset on, it creates a culture of success. It is powerful, and we become an unstoppable engine of success. As the CEO of the firm, it is my job to paint as clear of a picture of what that success looks like, and how we can achieve it and then believe in the team that we can make it happen. I am responsible for the strength in the team believing we can do it, and I must believe it so much that there is no doubt in my mind that all those around me feel silly if they doubt it. I’m personally committed to the success of our goals and will go to the end through the trenches to make certain we accomplish them. We will be victorious. We will change the legal profession. We will be the law firm of choice. It will all be WORTH IT!

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